I really don't know where to start in this newly established blog of mine. But perhaps I can start of by introducing myself to whoever is currently reading this. Here goes...
The name's Ashley Daniel Koh. I'm a 1-quartered Chinese, 3-quartered Kadazan type of human being. So Chinese language is totally out of my dictionary.... well, make that Kadazan language as well. I normally converse mainly in English and Malay together with, for some strange reason, a simple added mixture of different kinds of dialects - Bajau, Bugis, Dusun - into the languages I normally used (Perhaps, it's because of the range of friends I have and by that I learned their "slangs"). But... preferrably, English.
I was schooled in SRK Sacred Heart and later Sabah College..... enough about that. If you want to know, just add me in Facebook and read all the infos there. Don't get me start of with my IC Number, my hobbies, or even the amount of SEX I had in a week... :P
But what I DO want you guys to know is that I'm a Graphic Designer. A simple, dedicated and talented Graphic Designer. Apart from that, I've just upgraded myself into a Semi-Professional Photographer.
So, this blog will be mainly about my works in Graphic Design and Photography. Probably, a few snippets about my activities. Hope you guys will have the benefit of reading my blog as well as being entertained by it.
Til then, Cheers!
Ashley Koh
Good stuff on the blogging thingy :D